My favorite things

Oct 26, 2011

C jam blues, played with four hands in Yokohama

As I repeatedly confess, I cannot get away from 1960es jazz scene. Because it links to my best years with excitement and thrill. One element that constitute the memory is Red Garland trio. Especially C Jam blues.

It was my greatest regret that I did not have the chance to listen to him live during my stay in NY, 1967-1972. I have experienced Bill Evans, Tomy Flanagan, Art Tatum, Wynton Kelly, Harbie Hancock and etc. Everybody except Evans played with so many sound and proved that they do have quite flexible fingers. Yeah, right Monk was the another one who sounded just like listening to LP.

Here, I have to get rid of my memory of Garland. Four hands play C jam Blues. The place was in Yokohama, my hometown.

There were Mr. Yoshida, who was the owner of a coffee shop. He was quite famous as the early explorer of jazz in Japan and love play with Pachinko. The name of the coffee shop was "Chigusa". As hs passed away, the shop had been demolished and give the space to one of those characterless condo in 2002? I am not sure on the date though, it's been a while since the shop is gone.

OK, here's what Red Garland did from his album "Groovy"

hey, Yokohama isn't bad, don't you think?