My favorite things

Nov 10, 2011

Milt Jackson or MJQ?

While listening to this tune, I realized the reason why I didn't like MJQ at the end. The tempo of this tune is rare in their collection. And they do 8 verse here. That is rare as well. Is it? I am not sure now. It's been a while since I listen to them.

The last was a session of Milt Jackson in San Fransisco, somewhere around mid 80es. It could have been in Sausalito. Yes, he is much vivid with his own group. And if you ever listened to John Lewis playing alone, he is thrilling in his own way and quite different from the thrill the MJQ had.

Those thing concludes that MJQ had been the group harmony. And in my opinion, it is not the way jazz should be. Or is it?

Anyway, the reason why I have bored with MJQ could have been that I was listening to them too much. That was really the day in and day out. I dosed off while listening to them and the first thing in the morning was to listen to their recording. Yeah, good days, good days, that was. . . . .

Well, Milt is hell'f vivid with this one.