My favorite things

Jul 10, 2012

A hitory, "in a mellow tone"

It's been a while since I posted here. I've been busy to revise my way to affiliate. It's been time consuming and needed lots of focus than I have expected. During this period, I've been listening jazz through internet radio. I had been listening to with winamp. Since I love piano jazz, I tuned to the "piano jazz". Yes, they play piano jazz all through the day. Well that's OK, that's why I tuned in with them, right?

But if you say you love piano jazz, you'd like to listen to other instruments every once in a while, don't you? For that I had to click through to reach a page where I select instruments that I wish to listen to. But who knows which instrument you'd like to listen till you actually start listening to it, right?

Then I checked smooth jazz. Well, they are not my jazz. Then finally I got my favorite. "Jazz Wyoming" They mix a couple of other instruments and vocal jazz other than piano during one hour nicely, or should I say it in subtle way. Yes, I am listening them lately. Try them
There are no big band jazz with them. So I wished to listen to Count Basie and started to surfing You Tube. And here they are! "In a mellow tone".

It was 35 years ago. I joined amateur big band that follows Count Basie's footsteps. We had two concert a year and the band tour once a year. The practice session was held in Shibuya. My love Bill Evans, Oscar Peterson, Tomy Flanagan, Hank Jones and never was Count Basie. I have listened to him at State room in Empire State Building once.

He sounded so light. I took him a composer rather than a piano player. I had to change my opinion when I encountered this tune "In a mellow tone". We got complete score of the tune. Those scene that you see starting from 4:30 and on, that get on with one the whole horn section was tough. There is a solo part in that score that has written down Basie's phrase. I never was able to get the reasoning of each sound. Yet, it swings nicely and sings beautiful. Yeah, that was Count Basie. Those were the good days, my, my. . . . . . .