My favorite things

Dec 17, 2012

John Lewis, tribute to self

My first encounter with jazz was MJQ headed by John Lewis, a noble man. I went to Tokyo for their New Year's concert in early 60es. There was no Internet at the time and no jazz station in Japan. I have visited so-called "Jazz-coffee" shops where they play LP records with the high fidelity audio system of the time. MJQ was quite popular.

If you sit in the coffee shop, you are supposed not to move or converse but to listen. That was the time when I started smoking. I didn't like Ornette Coleman, John Coltrane, Sony Rollins. They were just too loud to listen to.

I wanted you to know that I like John Lewis best. The below video was recorded in 2000, a year before his death. He died on March 29, 2001, 80 years old. He lived long enough to be rewarded and respected, I believe.

I hear his tribute to himself. His left hand plays tribute and right hand wishes to keep living forever. A beautiful tune and pretty hard to play. Have you heard anyone played this tune other than John?