My favorite things

Oct 29, 2009

Oscar Peterson the Great!

He excels in technicality as well as tempo setting, improvisation and above all his sense to jazz music is nothing but the surprise. I listened to Night Train at YouTube. Go ahead and try.

See? Nobody can play this tempo. And it does not fluctuate at all from top to tail.
And he's gone. How sad that is. . . . . .

Sep 10, 2009

You can learn jazz from YouTube 1

After I completed my lesson videos for my jazz piano lesson "Lazy way to learn jazz piano", I have been picking videos that are available at You tube. And I have found that there are so many lessons that fits to be nice tutorials.

My plan is to relate my findings to you readers so that you do not need to go through You tube to find what you want. Yes, the selection is aimed to the very beginners and the matter that I was not able to tell because of limited video length.

The first one is this: Go here
and click on the "How to play piano: The basics, Piano Lesson #1" that is located left of the video screen.

If you haven't ever touched piano I recommend this video. A young guy talks a lot but saying things nice way. It is of 24 minutes long. They restrict it to see at You tube.

Yes, it tells you how to form your hand, how to position your hand against the instrument and your finger position.

I'd say that this is pretty thorough way to tell you the very beginning of your piano.